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Looks like a Japanese ink brush painting! Very nice... You wrote "feita com sapatos". Did you make it with shoes???
Thanks for commments dear, when I said 'made with shoes' was just the image of shoes...we can omite the substantive in same cases...the meaning is still clear. =)
Oh I see! Thank you for your explanation.
nossa!muito boa essa estampa.gostei.
Oi Raphael, 'brigado...andei te visitando estes dias. Vai ter imagens dod esfile no seu blog?
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5 comentários:
Looks like a Japanese ink brush painting! Very nice... You wrote "feita com sapatos". Did you make it with shoes???
Thanks for commments dear, when I said 'made with shoes' was just the image of shoes...we can omite the substantive in same cases...the meaning is still clear. =)
Oh I see! Thank you for your explanation.
muito boa essa estampa.
Oi Raphael, 'brigado...andei te visitando estes dias. Vai ter imagens dod esfile no seu blog?
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